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Science and Engineering

Our A.I. search solution is an invaluable asset to Scientific Research and Development and Engineering organizations. The recognition capabilities can help to cut down time spent on identifying samples. This solution is essential in identifying equipment and tools in engineering industries ultimately cutting down on downtime.

Implementing an image similarity search solution or search engine would require a sizeable database of sample images of species or tools of interest and their descriptions, concise information about similar tools or species found or used in the field can be easily gotten by doing an image similarity search of the tool or sample in question.


Trackimize through the tagger tool can also be use to monitor industrial equipment, knowing who, where, and when a tool or equipment was tagged and issued and its present location and return status. 



There are numerous applications of the Trackimize security solution because at every given point in time, in any place, in various circumstances, people tend to either lose, misplace their valuables or are victims of theft. This brief analysis gives an insight into some of the industries that Trackimize serves and why its application is very important to them. 

Personal Use

Personally, items can be lost in various locations that you visit and it is very important to know how to use Trackimize to help solve that problem.

It is advisable that you always take note of vital information of any valuable you own e.g. the serial number, build, color, breed etc. as this information will play a vital role while filling the Trackimize form to share to the world.

You cannot underestimate the value of information gathering and sharing as this is key to any security solution.  There are various tools and games to help you achieve this. Let your first move be to search for the item physically within that environment in which it was misplaced or lost, your next move should be to add that item on Trackimze,  other forms of recovery efforts could be applied in addition to these. 

Purchase Verification cannot be overemphasized, it is pertinent to verify intending purchases on Trackimize before payment to determine its status. In most countries larceny / buying stolen goods is a crime punishable by imprisonment. With Trackimize you can easily and conveniently verify an intended purchase using Trackbox or the All Lost Stolen and Found items solution. You would not just make a victim of theft happy by letting them know about their item that is about to be sold but your are also helping to deter theft.



Taxis and Car Rentals

Losing something in a taxi is an unwanted and depressing distraction. Globally, an estimated 19% of items are lost on public transit. We’ve left things like phones, keys, tablets etc. in taxis at some point in life. You would think we would learn to always take a picture of the taxi number before we get in, but sometimes you’re in a rush and forget to.


There are standard process to follow when this happens like - Remain calm, Try to remember as much as you can about the taxi, If you’re at a hotel, ask the concierge for help, Call all the taxi companies’ dispatch lines, Call your nearest police station, If you lost your phone, try to find it via its GPS locator, Check if the city has a centralized lost and found, Go back to where you got on the taxi..

With Trackimize the process is really easy, add your lost or found item(s) on , create targeted publicity and awareness with our tested, trusted and rewarding tools, the SEEKER and the FINDER would make contact in no time.


Night Clubs and Bars

Dance or nightclubs might leave women patrons especially vulnerable to bag theft because bags are often poorly attended to while they are dancing. Both male and female patrons in Bars and Night clubs can be very vulnerable to phone theft by pick pockets when they are intoxicated.

Theft of customers' personal property from Night clubs and Bars is a problem that has largely been overlooked in research literature. Reasons for this are that many crimes go unreported and data are rarely recorded or analyzed by crime reduction agencies in a way that would draw attention to the extent of the problem. However, the problem is substantial, serious, and could increase over time, meaning that addressing and mitigating it is important.


Whether the valuable was stolen or misplaced, Trackimize serves as a go-to solution. For stolen items, details and pictures of the stolen items could be added to by the victim thus reducing the selling options of the thief, Night clubs and Bar owners can have a good way of tracking owners of lost items by putting them up on our platform, the owners of these items can always check on to see if a Finder has added his or her item. This is why business owners in this industry should ensure they sensitize their customers on the use of Trackimize recovery steps if and when they fall victim.


Recreation and Parks

It is common knowledge that people of all ages and works of life lose valuable properties regularly in recreational facilities at an alarming rate for obvious reasons. Some of these items could be seen by staff of these facilities who would subsequently create an entry for the victim on or the victim could create an entry on about his/her lost item(s) for the Park's staff to search.

It is pertinent to consider the real possibility that the lost items could be found by the wrong person who decides to keep it or sell it. Trackimize as a wholesome security search solution also makes it very difficult for this person to sell a found item or to use it in public, this we achieve with our robust sharing and awareness system combo.


The essence of a recreational Park is to ease daily tensions and to give joy to users, we at Trackimize have tools and solutions in place to make sure that is sustained irrespective of the scenario. 


Airports and Airlines

It is no wonder so many travelers forget their personal items, travelling can be hectic and sometimes mentally demanding. Worldwide, 80M pieces of luggage are lost yearly at airports, or 6.7M per month, or nearly 200,000 per day.


The airlines and airports have to deal with a huge number of lost and found items, including luggage, computers, coats, wallets, and electronics. Sorting through these items, and returning them to their owners, could cost huge amounts of time and money.


By using, you can automate this process, The SEEKER (traveler that lost an item(s) can search for that item on, They will contact the airport (FINDER) immediately the find the item(s) already added to the repository or A.I dataset by the airport, this saves expense, and hassle involved with fielding every request one by one. It’s that easy to make your airport or airline more efficient while keeping your customers happy.


Science and Engineering
Taxis and Car Rentals
Night Clubs and Bars
Vets and Animal Clinics
Recreation and Parks
Airports and Airlines
Public Transport
Schools and Learnng Centres
Stadiums and Sports Centres
Restaurants and Cafes
Personal use

Vets and Animal Clinics

A least 15% of cat owners lose their pets in a five-year period and some are never found.  cats that were indoor-outdoor and allowed outside unsupervised traveled longer distances compared with indoor cats that were never allowed outside. Animals are very curious in nature and might likely end up harmed or in someone else's house or with a Vet. Missing pets are often not found by their owners, with many being euthanized at shelters.


 The longer these pets remain lost, the higher the tendencies they are dead. Thorough search is a useful strategy, and should be conducted within the first week after pets go missing. You might be lucky if the pet is alive in an animal clinic, unfortunately, vets and animal clinics could be overwhelmed by the numbers and might not have a viable means of contacting the pet owners.

The Trackimize solution can solve this in two ways, the Vet adding information about the pet to our centralized platform which the owner can always search to see the contact information of the vet to receive his/her pet, or a tag can be added to the pets collar by the pet owner which contains the unique tagcode of the pet on Trackimize and also the contact information of the pet owner. Literally anybody that finds the pet can easily get in touch with the owner within minutes.


Public Transport

Buses, Trains, Monorails etc. These are some of the public transport systems not listed above where the problem of theft and lost items still persists. There is no proper or organized system for handling property once it is turned in by the transit company staff, with few safeguards. Often it can take weeks or months for lost items to make their way to the designated office of the transit company where people can claim them.

Then there is the case of theft where what is being submitted by the staff might have already been vandalized without any trace of who, when or where. This is to mention but a few of the problems facing the public transport systems worldwide and we cannot allow these to remain.

We do not just complain but provide viable solutions. In both cases we at Trackimize have made the process of logging items found, lost or stolen really easy by the Finder or Seeker, staff or office. Very soon it will be a thing of the past when stolen items can be used in public or sold.


Schools and Learning Centres 

Kids are kids! If you have seen the Lost & Found section at school, you would agree with me that it’s like a treasure hunt when you have to look through it. You’ll be surprised at the items that kids would lose on a daily basis, yet not really that surprise after all. In a research done by the Daily Mail in the UK, children lose an average of 7 items every month and an average of 1,000 items during their school life.

Parents Spend $26.7 Billion in Back-to-School; 80% of Children Will Lose Pricey Supplies, Lunch Boxes and Clothing. Before the back-to-school season. A survey conducted by Name Bubbles on 400 parents showed that 80% admitted that their children lost items at school last year. Of those parents, 73% never recovered the lost and unlabeled school supplies, and 27% spent more than $50 replacing those lost items. This doesn't just end with little kids, high school and college students are also very prone to losing items (These items might be lost inside school or outside school or stolen) and spending huge amounts on replacements. 

A very robust repository with an image recognition solution to quicken the process of recovery can save parents and students from replacement costs. Trackimize gives you all the options for these and much more with a filter that can narrow down millions of added items to just very few. 


Stadiums and Sports Centres

For obvious reasons, there is high rate of lost, stolen or found items reported in stadiums and sports centres. In the joy, in the disappointment in the chaos, you could misplace your valuable or it could be stolen. There are thousands of people around you, spectators and officials, where do you start from to look? Some stadiums have a platform for reporting lost and found items, the Question is, what if the finder doesn't report the found item and decides to keep it for him/herself? What if you thought your item was lost in the stadium but was actually lost in a Taxi? Not everyone can trace the exact location where their item(s) actually got lost or was stolen.

A scenario where it seems all hope is lost and your items can't be found should be a thing of the past. With technology, information gathering and awareness, everyone should be in the know on every lost, stolen and found item(s) no matter where the incident happened.

It is imperative their is a central robust repository not individual repositories per organization. With just a filter away of the unique Id, Imei, description of the item etc. of your lost or stolen item you could fast track recovery, put finders in the know, or make life very uncomfortable for the pilferer. Literally this takes only 5 minutes.

Restaurants and Cafes

People who lose an item at a cafes or restaurant may feel it’s the responsibility of the establishment to look out for their item(s) and reimburse them if it is irretrievable. But who’s really at fault and should restaurants or bars take responsibility? Restaurants aren't actually liable for damaged personal items unless it is due to negligence on the part of the restaurant. Any notices limiting the restaurant's responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged items must be prominently displayed. These are some of the hullaballoos restaurants and customers face.

Restaurant and bar customers leave behind all kinds of stuff: umbrellas, backpacks, winter clothing. Sometimes they leave bags of drugs, musical instruments, their transportation, and dental gear. Retrieving these items can be as easy as going back to the restaurant asking for your item or filling a complaints forms, or it could be as difficult as a lawsuit.

It can't be a hassle using Trackimize by both the restaurant owner (or any finder) and the customer. This really cuts down on logistics cost of search, emotional tension, anger, disappointment and misunderstanding between both parties.

Resorts and Hotels
Religious and Event Centres

Resorts and Hotels

The customer experience starts long before a guest arrives at a hotel or resort and it doesn’t end when they leave. Lost, Stolen and Found is often overlooked as a customer service component that can make or break brand loyalty. It is often the forgotten customer service factor in the Hospitality Industry. Lost, Stolen and Found should be as important, efficient and customer service oriented as the front desk staff.

A lost item and how you treat its owner will leave a lasting impression and it may be the last thing that they remember about your hotel. Sometimes, guests forget to take all of their belongings with them when they check out of a hotel. When a room attendant finds left-behind items, this can create a legal duty on the part of the hotel, as well as an expectation from the guest. Is the item of value? If the item has any perceived, real, or intrinsic value or utility, then the item must be treated as a “lost and found” item. Obviously, jewelry, money, electronics, and clothing will have worth and usefulness.

At Trackimize, we pride in solving the frustration that guests have when they leave something behind. But we also want to make it easier for the hotel to keep track of their lost items and to move them off the archaic system that many use. Trackimize is a 90% free service for hotels and resorts. The system allows hotel staff members to input item information—where it was found, when it was found, a detailed description, etc.—into an easy-to-use online system. It is a s simple as the guest fills information about the lost or stolen item, the item is tracked by the hotel and the guest receives an email when the item is matched. 

Shops and Malls

Religious and Event Centres

Every church or event centre is expected to have a lost and found. Namely: people lose stuff and other people find stuff. But there’s an art to making sure that the two sides coordinate. If stuff gets misplaced in the auditorium, in the kids’ space, in the restrooms, and in the choir loft, it is assumed that this information will be made available preferably at a central location like the information table. The main function of a church is not to manage lost and found items so a number of churches and event centres might not be fully equipped to handle lost and found digitally.

We give these organizations an option to properly organize these items and subsequently reunite these items to their rightful owners. Our tag system can be used to identify the date the item was turned in and where it was found. This gives you an easy way to keep up with how long you’ve had it. The A.I dataset and central repository serves as a reference search area for victims after the organizations have added those items their. This robust system helps to speed the processs of recovery and reduce the amount of stored items in the organizations lost and found.


Shops and Malls

You cannot run a shopping mall with out a lost, stolen or found procedure or system.  Customers lose items regularly while shopping, something shops get shop lifted and robbed. The essence of recovery is to encourage your customers to come back and also to help shops and malls survive from theft of goods. 

Goods and valuables should be adequately tagged to manage inventory. Investing in physical security devices is a good step but yet you can never have enough safety for your goods as a shop owner. it is never the best to put all your eggs in one basket as safety and security procedures should not just end with physical devices or tracking systems but more robust information gathering and awareness systems should be explored.


In summary, dealing with lost and found is an ongoing nuisance for your team and your business, absorbing valuable time, energy and resources. It’s also a sensitive area for customers that risks generating complaints. it is pertinent that shopping centres use Trackimize to track their stolen valuables, prevent it from being sold, free up time, return more items and deliver world-class customer experience in this often overlooked area.



You might be surprised at the types of odds and ends people leave behind in Museums. If you’ve visited a museum and you suspect you may have left something, the advice is to call the museum right away to find out if it was turned in to lost and found. Visitors, staff, and cleaning crews hand over various lost items a day depending on the time of day and how busy it is. Items found in the Museum are normally turned into the Museum’s security office and then brought over to the central Lost and Found at the end of the day. The items are all logged in and sorted by museum. They are kept for 30 days. After that, they are donated to charity. 

Clothing, cameras, and phones are the most plentiful objects in the lost and found collection. in cold environments, lots of jackets get left behind. It’s not uncommon for people to even leave strollers behind in the parking garage in the hustle and bustle of getting their family back into the car and on the road. 

It is beneficial to use a platform to add your lost or stolen item after a museum visit as you may not know what happened to your item and also for museums that don't have a repository or are not sure their visitor knows about their repository can use Trackimize to connect with the owner of a lost and found item.

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