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Terms of Use

Control Console Tool

with 3-in-1

Control Features

We do not stop at giving you sharepoints, we also allow you to control Trackimize R&D, Buy a full share (coming soon) and also control the position of your item in the display table on the All Lost, Stolen and Found items page.

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3 Vital Functions that Suits You

The Control Console helps members of the Trackimize community literally gain control

over their affairs and that of  Trackimize company





Be a Shareholder

This possibility of buying a full share of Trackimize is in the works. For now you can grow you sharepoints value. As we grow, you grow.

Control Trackimize

R & D

As a member you are given the opportunity to vote for vital features that would be developed and implemented on Trackimize. The feature that gets the highest amount of votes is considered. 

Control your Item Position

It is not enough to just post an item. You are encouraged to regularly send your item(s) to the top of the list.

How Total Control is Made Simple

Today’s consumers want brands to have a simple option to make their voices heard,

have full control of their activities online and partake of the growth of the company they patronize.

Take a look at a breakdown of how the Control console helps to achieve that.

Controlling Research and Development


As a community, power lies with the people. Your power is your vote, your vote determines what Trackimize implements as a new feature.

Working Remotely

Stay Ontop, Get Sharepoints


Push your item to the top of the list, this is the first item users see when they visit the All Lost, Stolen and Found items page, obviously that increases the awareness about your item, in addition a countdown runs to make this more fun, if that item remains at the top of the list for a specific duration, the countdown value drops. At 0 count, sharepoints will be awarded to you. 



As you send an item to the top, 2 points is added to your countdown, if that item is not toppled before the duration ends then you beat the duration and 6 points is removed from your countdown. It is a race to 0 count.




Sustainability as a Shareholder


Sustainability is our watch word, become a parmanent part of Trackimize until you wish not to be (coming soon).

A woman reading on her tablet device
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Frequently Asked Questions on Control Console

How often can I send my item(s) to the top?
You can send your items as often as you wish. It is expected not to send an item while your previous item has not exceeded its time limit at the top or has not been toppled.

What could topple my item from the top of the list?

Your item could be toppled or outranked by a user adding a lost or stolen item or a user sending his/her item to the top of the list before the exhaustion of you items time.

Can I vote again for a different feature in the same voting cycle?


No, you have to vote for a single feature only once per voting circle. After you have voted, your voting console will be disabled till the next voting circle involving other features. It is advised you vote for what you truly want implemented at Trackimize. Your vote is your power.

In the future can I combine my accumulated sharepoints to a purchased Trackimize stock?


Yes you can, but note that you must have accumulated a minimum of 1000 sharepoints which is 1/10 of a full share before you can add to it.

When can I buy a full share of Trackimize?


Trackimize is not a Public company as of this moment but that is why we encourage you to build your sharepoints so as to grow as we grow and seamlessly become a shareholder once we go public.

How can I invest in Trackimize since I can't buy stock now?


Besides the sharepoints system, you can invest in Trackimize as a Venture Capitalist or Angel Investor. We encourage you to do so as we are looking for partners that believe in our mission and vision and would merge to consolidate our set goals and targets. You can get more information from our Investor Relations page.

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